Leading Changes at Simmons

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Problem and Issue Identification: General Overriding Problem: The case mainly focuses on the challenges of implementing change programs at Simmons. There is resistance to change. (The sources of resistance are derived from both individuals and organization.) Besides the resistance to change, the dominant organizational culture exists within Simmons is not in consistency with the Simmons’ core organizational culture. This inconsistency further hinders the Simmons from implementing change programs smoothly. Simmons is in its toughest period of time ever in history. There are several forces (Economic shocks are the most important stimulants to change at Simmons) that require Charlie Eitel, CEO of Simmons, to implement comprehensive change program, i.e. the Great Game of Life (GGOL). However, the implementation of GGOL faces huge resistance. Individual Sources: Firstly, there is fear of the unknown among the employees and the top managers. The outcomes of GGOL are uncertain, employees feel like their safety and job securities are threatened, especially resignation of plant managers has already happened. Secondly, individuals have habits. They prefer to work in their accustomed ways. When people are confronted with the GGOL, they may think that they will shift from the environment they are habituated to. This thought will result in resistance to change. Thirdly,economic factors also trigger resistance to change. GGOL is ambiguous to most employees and managers at Simmons. They are concerned about the changes in their job tasks or established work routines. They may not be able to perform new tasks to their previous standards, especially when their pay is closely associated with productivity. Organizational Sources: Firstly, Structural inertia acts as a counterbalance to sustain stability and resist changes. The culture shared by a majority of the Simmons’
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