Bankusa Case Study Solution

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Question 1: There are several major problems facing the credit card division. First and foremost, their customers are not satisfied with the services they have been receiving, but BankUSA seems to think they are doing a good job. The discrepancies between the consumer and the company lead to more issues within, causing them to have a rocky internal system. In order to better communicate with their customers, BankUSA is trying to implement a new internal and external survey that helps them see eye to eye. Other problems that BankUSA is facing are low employee morale and miscommunications within, which become evident when they try to discuss options for improving the surveys and employees give conflicting feedback. The surveys are vaguely…show more content…
A good external system would be a system that allows applications to be processed online and made available immediately to be processed. This would require each VP of their department to get with their top managers and plan out how they would create these systems to be more customer focused. This system would allow managers to analyze the process and determine which phase is the cause of the longer times. Managers have the opportunity to break down the process and pinpoint how long each stage should take. A good performance system to implement is keeping the number of days it takes to process a new applicant and the plastic production turnaround time to less than one day. Once these systems have been developed and implemented, another survey can be sent out to BankUSA’s customers that is a collaboration of questions from both the marketing and the operations manager that they felt best represented their department’s performance objectives. The company would also need to develop objectives and a plan that describes how these systems can be implemented and how progress would be measured with these new…show more content…
This means any changes to the internal performances measures have little, if any, effect on the customer satisfaction rates. Question 4: The real service level is what is measured externally due to customer satisfaction and loyalty. The Pareto Principle states that eighty percent of your sales come from twenty percent of your customer base, which holds true in this case. The 3 million corporate customers have an equal dollar volume of transactions being processed as the 15 million individual card holders. Question 5: Group

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