Job Analysis: Pros, Cons, and Suggestion

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faculty of bussiness and enterprise | Job analysis essay | BOH 200: Recruitment and Selection | | Quang Tuan TRAN | 3/28/2013 | [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] | Job analysis is the centre of all human resource practices. Compton et al (2009, p.27) states that “job analysis is crucial determinant of employee performance and ultimately organizational effectiveness…. In the context of recruitment, job analysis is the main source of information about the position to be filled and the natures of the person needed to fill it”. Job analysis is a systematic process of identifying the component tasks responsibilities, and desired out comes of jobs, the knowledge, competencies, skills, and abilities required to adequately perform these duties. Job analysis, and resultant job descriptions and person specifications, form the basis for the initial employment of staff, establishment of employee performance standards and their subsequent measurement, and the determination of grade and classification levels and remuneration systems. These relationships are shown in the diagram that follows. (Compton et al. 2009, p. 28) As work activities of a job change overtime, the requirement for effectively and efficiently accomplish these activities evolve as well. Therefore, job analysis has to be examined and developed to enhance an organisation’s competitive advantage and ensure the ongoing skill development of individuals. By looking at the advantages and disadvantages in current trend of job analysis, appropriate and specific strategies can be concluded to make sure an organisation can utilise job analysis at its maximum potential. The first question that one needs to ask: is job
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