tyAssessment three Question one Using your own workplace or another revelvant example, describe: a) What policies and codes of conduct are present where people work that encourage or protect equality and diversity. Dignity at work policies are present where people work to help protect and encourage equality and diversity. There are also employment contracts and also staff handbooks that are available to show the codes of conduct that are present. b) The expectations made of all staff in relation to equality and diversity. Staff are expected to be treated with respect no matter what sex, age, disability etc.
Employee rights and responsibilities have developed over time to also foster in the protection for employees as well. Employers have the problem of balancing the legalities with responsibilities and the total social engagement of an organization. With employees rights and responsibilities comes the concepts of due process, employment at-will, duty of diligence, duty of obedience, and duty of loyalty. Employers love to have an engaged workforce so seeking out ways to have a productive organization can be challenging. Employee involvement strategies have been created to include employees in the some of the decision making in their day-to-day activities.
MANG 6469 Samantha Chiasson Final Exam 1.) What is the staffing model? Staffing is a critical organization function concerned with the acquisition, deployment, and retention of the organization’s workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to create positive impacts on the organization’s effectiveness. Organizations are combinations of physical, financial, and human capital. Human capital is the knowledge, skills, and abilities of people and their motivation to do the job.
An organization invests in its employees, hiring talented people, abstracting their efficiency and skills, building and training them into current and future environments, all in part of the investment they imply towards the development of its organization. In the structure of human capital, compensation will be an influence in retaining employees, as so are benefits, in efforts of a continual extended relationship that configures in relational advocacy, respect and ethical conveyance. In consideration of the roles, they are all congruent upon one another, in bringing skilled personnel into an organization, in hopes of retaining them. If it were my organization in which we were discussing, I would make definite improvements toward continual training, with an advocacy group specializing in the needs and progressive wants of my employees. The one organization that comes to mind is Google, they are continually advancing forward, and making the company a habit forming institution, where people find it hard to go home, yet cannot wait to get back; offering free breakfast , lunch dinners, and
Staffing is defined as “the process of acquiring, deploying, and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to create positive impacts on the organizations effectiveness” (Heneman & Judge, 2010, pg 8). Staffing an organization does not come without its challenges. As organizations embark on staffing activities, the HR department must have a well thought out strategy prior to implementation. The who, what, when, where, and how an organization is going to staff its vacancies needs to be answered first. Is a person/job match or the person/organization match the right strategy, or is it a combination of both?
FedEx adopted an aggressive training program from competitive wages and profit sharing , bonuses , and a state of the art employee grievience process that are part of the PSP philosophy . by doing all of these things it will reflect positively on the performance of FedEx employees hence the quality of the service they deliver and the satisfaction of the internal customers will reflect also to the satisfaction of the customers with the speed and the quality of the service they are receiving . Another perspective that is being emphasized by FedEx is the system perspective where it focuses on the service side and that the customer becomes more the central in the thinking of the FedEx operation managers. the reason behind adopting this perspective is the aim to fulfil cutomers expectations and keeping them satisfied by delivering on time. Quality management at FedEx compasses all of its operations.
Therefore, job analysis has to be examined and developed to enhance an organisation’s competitive advantage and ensure the ongoing skill development of individuals. By looking at the advantages and disadvantages in current trend of job analysis, appropriate and specific strategies can be concluded to make sure an organisation can utilise job analysis at its maximum potential. The first question that one needs to ask: is job
Health and Safety – to ensure we are compliant with any local legislation and group policies and procedures. Compliance – to satisfy legislative and regulatory requirements such as equal opportunities, minimum wage, recruitment planning, equal pay, and JFSC category requirements, which include man-power reports and confirmation of licences held. In addition, to protect the organisation from any claims relating to employee discrimination or unfair dismissal claims HR records include a range of data such as:- • Recruitment and Selection • Pay and reward • Training and Development / Qualifications • Absence • Personal records Absence records enable HR to identify patterns of staff absence, and monitor productivity. These records also highlight any potential problems for example “work related stress” patterns which can be used to support appraisal or performance management needs and also back to work interviews. It also allows HR to analyse data and action accordingly.
We would explain now what this structure and its efficiencies to enable Tesco for having the people they are looking for to reach the whole organization objective. Explanation of Tesco’s Recruitment and Selection Method:- Tesco has defiantly set a very efficient strategy when it set the objectives of its workforce planning. We see that it has maintained that capability to attract those candidates that would serve its future expansion by first dividing each organizational process requirement and hence put for each process its specification. Tesco also applied a popular and cost effective means of attracting applicant through, Website, Job center place or store boards and even has made each category with an application ways. The company divides the selection part into three parts, the screening and the assessment center and last the interview, which leave no gaps of not being able to assess the applicants from all aspects technicality and personality aspects of the posts available.
Business Case-Talent Acquisition | HR-Talent Acquisition Team | GOALs | Effective Talent Acquisition | An effective talent acquisition must begin internally to be able to success externally. The organization should create a “high-level workforce plan” and identify “where additional talent is needed and where there is talent excess. For the talent needs, an effective staffing plan must be developed,”For this reason, it is critical to identify a specific development plan that “will develop new skills and knowledge in current employees.” And then, apply those processes to identify external individuals with the right skills that will help us to fill the additional vacancies, continue improving the process, and develop new trainings. | A workforce planning “should be both top down and bottom up” to work effectively. It is important to follow good strategies, capabilities, and drivers to have an effective talent acquisition process.