Jaws Screening Report

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Jaws Screening Report The movie Jaws is classified as a Classical film because it incorporates aspects of both Realistic films and Formalistic films. Classicism is in the middle of these two extremes because although it may not have happened, it is completely possible that it could have or will happen sometime. Some of the aspects I will discuss are the setting, the story, and lastly the camera view. Through these three aspects I will show how this movie is classified as a Classical film by using a Realistic, Classical, and Formalistic characteristic of the film. The setting of the film takes on a Realistic aspect. The film takes place in New England during the 20th century. This is considered Realistic because it’s a real place during a time that has already occurred. Along with this setting we see real people, who although are made up, they’re all humans. With the setting being real it gives the film premise for having a chance of happening. The story and plot of the film is categorized as a Classical aspect of this film. The reason for it not being realistic is because it didn’t actually happen. This event is not taken directly from any part in history. The part that makes it Classical is the fact that it could have happened. There is a chance that something like what was seen in the movie could actually happen at any point during time. The point of view for this film is where the movie takes a dive into the Formalistic aspect. During certain key points of the movie the point of view switches from 3rd person to the view of the shark. This is Formalistic because it’s something that cannot actually happen. This is shown when the shark is swimming through the ocean when everyone is in the water having a good time. We see the shark looking at everyone’s legs right before it attacks. Through the three characteristics of the film that are shown

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