Poem Analysis: Tide Pools

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Triston Fuller Tide Pools On a warm breezy summer afternoon on a beach in Mexico there was a boy exploring the vast and wonderful world of the tide pool. The boy has been coming here for a few years and never gets tired of looking for new and beautiful things. The pools being filled with life and colors that are just waiting to be found. Tide pools or as some call them windows to oceans eco system, are made of rock formations of different size and shape, and are formed when the tide goes out. The tides change twice a day by the push and pull of the moon. The rocks on this tide pool were black, sharp, and in spots covered in green moss that is slippery making it very hard to walk on with out falling. There is a nice calm breeze that is blowing a fresh scent of salty sea water. The water is nice, clear and blue making it easy to see what lies beneath. In these pools the boy found a purple octopus as he picks it up, he fells how soft and slimy it is as it sticks to his arm with its eight suction cup covered tentacles as it was trying to get away and find a place to hide. As he moves on trying not to slip or step on crabs that scurried here and there. He comes across a deeper pool that has some of the brightest colored rocks, as he gets closer he realizes that its…show more content…
As the tide rises filling the pools and covering the beach he tried to get back but he would have to swim. Fighting the waves and increasing wind it was difficult getting a mouth full of seawater the saltiness was so bitter he stared to gage making it harder to get a breath. He found some rocks to stand on but they were slick with moss as he fell he cut his hand on a sharp rock, and the salty water burns in fresh cut. finally getting a hold of himself he battled his way to the

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