Descriptive Day at the Beach

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Day on the Beach English 1301 Description Essay #1 Arriving at the beach my Dad bulldozed through the ever floundering sand as we swayed from side to side from his efforts. Our old car puffed with agony before he finally unearthed a parking spot neighboring the pier. Bolting out of our roadster I hammered the door shut and charged toward the pier. The soft light brown to tanish oven baked sand engulfed my feet as it muscled its way between each toe and quickly heated them. In my struggle to reach the pier I managed to stop beneath it to cool my crisp feet. I strolled along the ocean’s edge as the chilled water revived my warm feet as I felt the sand jittering in the shallow water. Rough concrete pillars each blanketed at base with slimy green and black mold were cool to the touch. Encompassing these pillars were large heavy dark rocks carpeted with gooey moss and a few with sharp pointy edges. Coupled with these pillars and rocks were small skittish sand crabs. With there hard shell, light brown color, eyes floating above their head, and legs spread apart they were very fast. Moving onward, I scrambled up the faded pier with old cracked dry wood that squeaked along the way until I reach the peak. My feet were once again warmed by the scorching wood of the pier. I tip-toed toward an orange heavy duty igloo water cooler yelling with my mouth wide open, OUCH, HOT, HOT, OU, until I cooled them down with the ice cold water. I stood near the cooler feeling the ocean breeze whipping my hair every which way. Looking through the wooded rail of the pier I watched the foam-covered waves topple over each other then slide back into its self. Overhead the singing sea gulls circled as other kids’ hurled food that was quickly ingested with the opening and closing of their beak. Standing there baffled, eyes gazed over, and absorbing all the new scenery I

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