Itt Tech Goals

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I am pursuing a degree at ITT Tech because my girlfriend asked me what I was going to school for and I told her, I wanted to go to school for computer science or electrical engineering. I love computers, phone’s, updated gaming consoles, and new modern technology because that’s what I world is turning into. I told her I was going back to college this summer attending Longview Community College. The whole main reason for me even going to school is to better myself and for my kids. They need me to set an example for when they get older and it’s difficult to take care of kids when you’re working dead end jobs, living check to check. I want to be able to provide for them easily and make it easy on them to go to college when they get older. I was determined to make it this time and my girlfriend…show more content…
One goal I set is just to do the best job I can to take care of my kids no matter how hard it is for me. A second goal of mine was to just show up to school and do the work. I am smart and I figure if I just show up then the hard part is over. This is my second time I am going to school so this time around I want to be focus, show up, and do the work. I pick these main two goals because my kids are my life so they come first. I want to do the best I can with raising them and being there. Getting this degree will really help me set my future up and my two kid’s future also. I picked school as a goal of mine because my first time around, I didn’t show up a lot. I got a job and made some decent money so I decided I didn’t care for school. Moving from job to job made me realize that I have to go back to school. I couldn’t go back in time but I can try it now at ITT Tech and now I am even more focused than ever. At least two goals I set in this class are just to show up and do the work. If I show up and do the work, there’s no reason why I can’t pass the class or even get an A for my grade. That’s what I hope to achieve for this class and for
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