In the world we live in today. Going to college is no longer a choice, or privilege, but rather a need for a brighter future . So the big question that happens to be going around is, “Is College really worth it?”According to Andrew J. Rotherham’s article “Actually, college is very much worth it.”, “5 Ways Ed Pays”produced by (The College board), and “Why College Isn't (And Shouldn’t have to be) For Everyone” written by Robert Reich. The answer to that question is yes. Though there are many individuals who believe that college is not for everyone, attending college and getting a higher education can open the gates to many tremendous life changing opportunities such as becoming healthier, begin able to secure jobs, and earning more financially.
Being open-minded to learn or do new things can show one's true passion for a profession. Lastly, Many students go into college and change their major at least once, going through college helps show you what you really want to invest your time in as a profession (Importance of College Education). It’s okay if one doesn’t know what they want to do going into college, there are many things offered in college someone can learn to love, and want to do in the future. All in all, finding oneself is an important part of life. There are many things college has to offer that’ll help someone not only teach them new things, but help them pursue their
The passage of the “Pick the Public’s Pocket No More” bill would lower college application rates, lower college graduation rates, and lower our country’s number of new college graduates for open positions in the work force. Without grants, many Americans would not be able to pursue college degrees because of the debt they would acquire financing their degree with loans alone. Federal grants allow young adults, who are the future of our country, to pursue a college degree without the full burden of college debts after graduation. (M) When considering whether or not to pursue a degree, many are persuaded to apply because they often receive grants to assist
Although most people go to college to earn a degree, going to college is not necessarily the best choice for everyone. He says that if some students are not getting their money’s worth in college, they should go to vocational school to be better prepared rather than going to college that’s not worth it for them. Some people could argue that it is unnecessary to make everyone go to college, high school graduates will be better prepared by continuing their education to get theoretical and practical knowledge for their careers. I decided to be a freshman in college this year because I wanted to prepare myself for a good career in the future by learning knowledge in the specific field I want to be. I also like to learn, my second reason to continue my education.
In our century everyone now wants a college degree when you’re applying for a job. Bird’s essay would not apply to high school graduates now a days. I disagree with Bird for the most part because I believe college helps us prepare for our future, expand our knowledge in our major, and we have a better chance to make more money. I do agree with Bird on one of her statements when she says college is expensive. College prices have only been rising because the student population only gets higher.
Your popular group otherwise has no association with them. The nerdy group will normally focus on achieving academic excellence and good choices to ensure that college scholarship are awarded to them and acceptance into college. Most of the popular group have their
Chapter 1 In Chapter 1 the book talks about the college experience. It goes into different details about settling into a college routine, talks about why college is important and many other new things that come with college. It explains that college isn’t all about sports and partying that as young adults we have that image of college in our head. College is another step in education, and in today’s society having a college degree is very important when trying to get a high paying job. Having a college degree makes living the American Dream a lot easier, and it helps you grow as an adult and teaches you leadership roles.
Now in days once employers sees a potential employees degree, they aren’t even worried about the skills they learned in college, they just see that that person attended college. Employers do not value what the student learned, just that the student has a degree.”(pg. 67) Students need to consider the level of competition they will be facing once they graduate. Parents feel that if they send their child off to college they will become more mature since they are independent while in college, but Murray thinks college is not the right place for that maturity level to occur. Although college is supposed to be used to help us prepare for our future careers and lives, many people get a lot of different life lessons out of it and in a way that is just as good as receiving their education.
The importance of getting a college education or not Have you ever wondered if you should get a college degree or not? Most jobs today require a bachelor’s degree instead of just a high school diploma. Going to college today is important, because our society is always changing. There are some benefits after getting a bachelor’s degree. If you don’t get a college education you could miss the opportunity to have a successful career.
Online College vs. College Campus Elizabeth Jay Getting an online degree can be much more convenient for a student with a busy schedule, but for some degrees or as a personal preference, some students may prefer a college on campus. To make sure a student has decided on the most efficient way for furthering education, there are many different aspects to consider. For a student who is looking to get an excellent education in a difficult degree and make friends, attending college on campus may be a better choice for that student. For a student trying to get a degree to further their education to get a better job, or single parents, or even individuals will full time jobs trying to get an additional degree on top of their current degree then attending an online school may be a more acceptable option for them. Generally speaking when attending an online school over a campus college, the participation grades are based differently.