Plan B

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Summary Response #1-Plan B: Skip College In the article Plan B: Skip College, the author Jacques Steinberg asks what is the key to success in the United States and responds to this question by saying that conventional wisdom dictates “earn a college degree.” He then challenges this assumption. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people with college and graduate degrees generally earn more than those without them, and face lower risks of unemployment. However, The author tells that four years of higher education will not always guarantee people a better job, higher income and a happier life. He emphasizes his point by saying that of the 30 jobs projected to grow at the fastest rate over the next decade in the United States, only seven require a bachelor’s degree. Although most people go to college to earn a degree, going to college is not necessarily the best choice for everyone. He says that if some students are not getting their money’s worth in college, they should go to vocational school to be better prepared rather than going to college that’s not worth it for them. Some people could argue that it is unnecessary to make everyone go to college, high school graduates will be better prepared by continuing their education to get theoretical and practical knowledge for their careers. I decided to be a freshman in college this year because I wanted to prepare myself for a good career in the future by learning knowledge in the specific field I want to be. I also like to learn, my second reason to continue my education. In the society we are living in right now a higher education is a necessity and it is an investment for a better future. Steinberg argues that college degrees are not necessary for many jobs and that some high school graduates are better prepared by being taught how to communicate and work efficiently in the work place. I agree with it
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