Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s

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and Young People’s Settings Unit 1: SHC 21 1.1: Identify the different reasons people communicate People communicate for different reasons, to portray their feelings, emotions, pain, opinions, etc. The communication could be professional (formal), or personal (informal). It is important within a social work environment that information is recorded, as it may be called upon for legal reasons. All communications are confidential, and on a “need to know”, basis. Communication between colleagues is essential, so that it ensures a continuity of care for the client, and all staff are aware of the current needs of the client. 1.2: Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of the learner’s work Within the care setting I communicate using: Communication books, Handover with Colleagues, staff message book, Staff meetings, meetings with my Line Manager Etc. Effective communication is important as it ensures that information is: clear, concise, accurate, non-judgmental, and informative. This reduces the possibility of mistakes being made, and ensuring appropriate care service delivery. It is important to work as a team with your colleagues, so that you all work to achieve the same outcomes and targets. 1.3: Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them It is important to observe individual’s reactions when communicating; as it informs me as to how they are feeling at the time. They may be upset, and need reassurance, they may be confused, and not understanding what is being said, they may be agitated, and need time to ‘cool down’. As a social care worker, it is my responsibility to know the client’s I work with, as I will be able to interpret their reactions to communications, and be there to offer support if needed. 2.1: Show how to find out an individual’s communication and language needs,
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