Shc 31: Promote Communication in Health, Social Care or Children's and Young People's Settings.

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SHC 31: Promote Communication in Health, Social Care or children's and young people's settings. 1.1: Identify the different reasons people communicate. Communication is an essential tool as a Support worker to meet the needs of the children, to liaise with Individuals and their families and other members of staff on a daily basis. This is to ensure effective team work and that Health and Safety issues are recognised and reported. As careers we complete communication books for each individual to keep all members of staff informed and aware of current situations. We also communicate to maintain and establish relationships with others, to share opinions, knowledge, emotions, to give encouragement and show others they are valued. The individuals will communicate with carers to express their needs and to ensure they are met. As a Carer I would also discuss the options and choices available to allow them an informed choice. 1.2: Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting. Effective communication helps to relate better with one another, develops strong working relationships with colleagues and creates the chance to develop and expand personal relationships. Positive communication skills like listening can help unite people as this behaviour can help build sustained relationships as it allows others to express themselves also. Breakdown in communication can lead to a number of situations such as a sense of anxiety, alienation and feelings of isolation. This can then create conflict which could cause staff to not achieve their full potential within the work place. 2.2:Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication. Effective Communication can improve relationships, team building, decision-making and problem solving. It can also enable you to communicate negative of difficult messages without causing conflict or

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