It has an influence on social care work, because we need to make sure that we are communicating well, and listening to the individual's wishes and preferences, and we need to remember not to dothings without discussing it with service user. Rights Every service user has rights and these must be respected. However, it need to be understood that rights and responsibilities have to be balanced. Some tensions between what the service user perceives as their right and what we can offer as a part of the service might be encountered. Examples of rights: dignity,privacy, choice of diet, choice of dress, the chance to say own opinion, etc.
Unit 4222-201Introduction to communication in health social care or children's and young people's settings Outcome 1Understanding why communication is important in the work setting 1.1: People communicate for different reasons, to portray their feelings, emotions, pain, fear, anger, joy, love and opinions. The communication could be professional (formal), or personal (informal). It is important within a social work environment that information is recorded, as it may be called upon for legal reasons. All communications are confidential, and on a “need to know”, basis. Communication between colleagues is essential, so that it ensures a continuity of care for the client, and all staff are aware of the current needs of the client.
Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of the learners work. Within the care setting I communicate using: Communication books, Handover with Colleagues, staff message book, Staff meetings, meetings with my Line Manager Etc. Effective communication is important as it ensures that information is: clear, concise, accurate, non-judgmental, and informative. This reduces the possibility of mistakes being made, and ensuring appropriate care service delivery. It is important to work as a team with your colleagues, so that you all
The social care worker must do everything they can to keep the service users safe from harm, injury and abuse. This can be achieved by following and adhering to the following: * Work within the definition of your job role. * Keep accurate records and documentation as necessary. * Agreed ways of working of your employer which includes: - Policies and Procedures of your organisation, which are essential pieces of information that will enable the social care worker to work professionally and safely. .
EXPLAIN HOW COMMUNICATION AFFECTS RELATIONSHIPS IN THE WORK SETTING When people communicate well with individuals in a work setting they usually feel satisfied. Good communication ensures that service users receive the best quality care and their individual needs met. It also enables you to build a strong relationship with a service users and colleagues. A relationship is built on trust. Trust is essential as care staff deal with every part of a service user’s life including very intimate personal care.
Aii Explain how effective communication can affect relationships in an adult social care setting between: a) Colleagues and other professionals It is essential to have good communication between your colleagues and any other professions involved in the care of an individual. Tasks will be more successful with effective communication so you can discuss and gain information about the people you are caring for. With good communication between all those involved the individual is able to receive the best possible care. To develop within your role; effective communication is needed between your colleagues and managers so you are free to express what you think and how you feeling. b) Individuals using the service and their carers Effective communication is vital between carers and the residents.
This helps to reduce the possibility of mistakes being made. It ensures appropriate care service delivery. It is important to communicate with your colleagues, so that all targets and outcomes are met. Effective communication is important so that yourself and the service user fully understand eachother. This includes using words, feedback, action, body language and gestures. Explain why it is important to work in partnership with others. It is vital for the individuals support team to work with others to achieve a person centred approach towards the care, support or needs of the service user, this allows for the information to be shared confidentially and in agreed ways, to achieve the best standard of care for each individual. Also so that others that come in to the home can read or be passed on accurate and up to date information, so that they can provide a consistent approach to each individual and their needs. This also demonstrates respect, mutual beneficial practices for the individuals. It also allows each employee to understand each others roles, and what purpose
These concepts would be leadership, putting the patient first, communication and improvement. An organizations leadership should be trustworthy and be readily available when their staff comes to them with any concerns or issues they have with the facility. This concept also coincides with putting patients first. The staff should make it there top priority to understand their patients need. A patient safety and satisfaction should be the staff main focus.
1. Identify the different reasons why people communicate (1.1.1) The main purpose for communicating is to get your point across to others. This is important in my job role so that I can gain an understanding into each individual’s life learning about their background, interests and opinions; this will allow me to give the best person centred care I can. Communication is also used to express feelings and thoughts 2. Explain how communication affects relationships in an adult social care setting (1.1.2) When working in a care setting communication is very important.