Influences of Perception on Interpersonal Communication

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Influences of Perception on Interpersonal Communication Brandy K. Jackson Kaplan University CM206-Professor Pike August 19, 2014 Influences of Perception on Interpersonal Communication After watching the College Success video, I feel that Jim does not have a positive self concept. Jim says feels that he is an average student and that his parents have unrealistic expectations of him. Having this negative and distorted self concept is really bad for Jim. By believing this about himself, his subconscious mind will continually try to prove this self concept true. He will have a hard time succeeding in being anything other than the average student that he feels that he is. Wood (2013) states, "From direct definition, children learn what others value in them, and this shapes what they come to value in themselves." (p. 42) Jim’s idea that he is only an average student could be due to his parents not telling him otherwise. The direct definitions that Jim’s parents put on him were that he was average. Had his parents constantly told Jim that he was smart and that he was an excellent student, and put more positive direct definitions on him, his self concept would be drastically different. When Jim is talking on the phone with his father his self concept is hindering the interaction between himself and his father. Jim is not hearing what his father has to say really--it is just going in one ear and out the other, as they say. He already has a view of himself as “just average” and this negative self concept is holding Jim back and keeping him from being an excellent student. Wood (2013) states, "Perception is the active process of creating meaning by selecting, organizing, and interpreting people, objects, events, situations, and other phenomena." (p. 64) Using this process of human perception when viewing this video, I first would notice

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