Self Concept Essay

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Interpersonal Communication Unit 3 Assignment: Dr. Dana Gray Jearldwan Williams CM206 June 11, 2015 1. Describe Jim’s self-concept Jim’s self-concept is that he is just an average student in college and that he was not naturally smart like his Dad. Jim also felt that no matter how hard he studies he will never be that students like his parents want. 2. Explain, using examples from the video and course concepts, how Jim’s self-concept impacted his interaction with his father. Was it positive or negative? Jim believed that he was doing his best in school and felt that his parents had unrealistic expectations for him. Jim’s conversation with his Dad made him feel as if he was not doing enough and that his Dad was just being negative by blaming his grades on his friends and partying. 3. Jim believed that he was doing his best in school and felt that his parents had unrealistic expectations for him. Explain, using examples from the video and course concepts, how the father’s self-concept impacted his interaction with Jim. Was it positive or negative? Jim’s father felt that if he could pay his way through college and still make Phi Beta Kappa then Jim could do with his grades. Jim’s father also felt that if Jim would party with his friends less and study harder he could get better than average grades. This was a negative in Jim’s opinion. 4. Apply the process of perception, starting on p. 64 to explain the interaction between Jim and his father. The process of perception starts with Selection and in Jim’s case his Dad feels the one thing that Jim’s average grades could be blamed on is his lack of studying due to partying with his friends. The organization and cognitive schemata that was used Jim’s dad being the prototype of the perfect college student. Jim believed that his dad

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