Importance Of Self Assessment

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This self-assessment is based on the key factor of finding out where students are at with helping them transition from high school to college. When students are in high school, they rely on teachers and other staff members to keep them on the right track, but when it comes to being independent some students don’t have the actual skills to succeed. Take it from someone who lacked the confidence skills and the communication skills, but this self-assessment gives the student and the instructor the mindset of where to start. Some instructors are willing to work with students to work on these skills and accomplish the development of these skills. We have been discussion student responsibility and this takes part in student responsibility.…show more content…
All skills that come from this self-assessment helps students with what they are confident and need improvements in. This helps them progress over the years that they are enrolled at a higher education institute and gives them the capability of adapting this skills to their life. I mean when it comes to the actual understanding of the data, this data is there to show the instructors to teach or engage the student with the particular way. Meaning if a student is actually adaptable in reading and verbal communication, group discussions or open discussion among the class can be brought up. But again all instructors interpret data differently to show how well they are looking for each compromise to each student. An instructor is not going to know all of their students’ results and data with a class with over 30…show more content…
Again, this is all base on the ability of the instructor. If the instructor is willing to understand and give their ability to help students improve their lack of capability. With this being said students can lose the focus on learning. This comes with the resistance to learn. With showing the student the data, some students may feel that they are lacking the confidence level or the digital literacy skill that they may feel out of place. Hence comes the resistance to learn. Since they have the thought that they are dumb in one area that they will not grasp the information as others will. But this is where the instructors are teaching the students how to use their skills they have now and transition them to improving the other
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