Identifying Signs of Abuse, Drug Abuse, and Suicidal Tendencies in Students

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Identifying Signs of Abuse, Drug Abuse, and Suicidal Tendencies in Students. Identifying Signs of Abuse, Drug Abuse, and Suicidal Tendencies in Students. Working as an educator comes with many jobs. Not only are teachers here to educate children, but they also look out for the well being of the students. There are many students’ young and old being abused, abusing drugs or using drugs, and who have suicidal tendencies. Teachers should be aware of signs that may lead them to think that a student may be being abused or abusing drugs. There are many signs of abuse. With physical abuse the signs will be visible to the teacher as well as drug abuse. Below is a list of warnings signs a teacher may see with students who have the signs of these types of abuses. Warning signs of suicidal tendencies. * Feels as if he or she is helpless. * Makes threats of harming oneself. * Previous suicide attempts * Depression * Stress * Withdrawn from society * Speaks of suicide or death * Being bullied Warning signs of drug use. * Bruises on arms from needle use * Increase in appetite * Aggressive or hostile behavior (Gollnick & Chinn, 2006). * Lack of school participation * Personality change (Gollnick & Chinn, 2006). * Decline in grades (Gollnick & Chinn, 2006). * Mood swings (Gollnick & Chinn, 2006). Warning signs of abuse * Bruises on body * Changes in behavior * Unexplained injuries or bruises * Changes in attitude * Seems to be scared of adult figures * Changes in emotions * Always sad or upset * Withdrawn from other students Being an educator we must look out for these signs in our students. If I had a student whom I seen these signs in, I would be concerned. I would observe the student in the classroom and see how he or she may act. I want to approach

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