Human Resources Essay

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1. What Functions of HRM are similar to marketing functions? How can thinking about “marketing” a company’s jobs improve the strategy focus of human resources personnel? The functions of HRM that draw similarities to marketing functions are the aspects of identification, recruitment and having the where with all to be able to make great choices on perspective personnel. In order to correctly carry out these actions it takes being able to present these functions in a way that the consumers can grasp and have a strong urge to want to be a part of the company that is being presented. In order to successfully carry out a particular message that the HRM branch of the company needs to carry out it takes various marketing tools and strategies in which a marketer is professionally trained and well educated on in order to carry out the message the company is trying to deliver to potential employees of various backgrounds that will capture their minds and bring them together to achieve the company’s vision. I think that “marketing” a company’s jobs can improve the strategy focus of human resources personnel because there would more of an influx of potential candidates eager and ready to fill the companies needs and those prospective candidates would already be aware of what the company’s focus is mainly because the of the strategic marketing efforts that were dispersed from the company. 2. If you were planning to use marketing strategies to “brand” a company as an employer of choice, what are some of factors you’d consider? If I were planning to use marketing strategies to “brand” a company as an employer of choice, some of the factors I would first want to display is showing that my company is a strong, professional, and culture orientated organization that a prospective candidate would clamor to want to be a part of. I would have to deliver a strong message about to

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