Human Resource Management Roles Hcs 341

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Human Resource Management Roles Eric Brown HCS/341 February 25, 2013 Jessica Stunard Human Resource Management Roles The human resource department formerly operated as purely an authoritative department in charge of accepting applications for employment, handling payroll and issuing benefits. Since the 80’s, human resources has advanced into the role of a strategic alliance in order to map out organizational instruction. Although human resources is on the forefront for employees who have concerns or questions about payroll deductions or health care plans, the main objective of human resource functions is to strengthen the relationships between the employer and the employees. In this paper, the author will describe some of the functional roles of the human resource department: development and training, safety in the workplace and conflict resolution. Developing and maintaining a proficient workforce will enhance the…show more content…
Risk management and responsibility for safety on the job are generally with the insight of human resources. Experts in safety techniques pay close attention to state and federal safety regulations, banning the use of equipment that is potentially harmful and hazardous waste. These experts also promote preventative measure in safety, for instance ergonomics (“Houston Chronicle”, 2013). The human resource department also takes on coinciding intricate roles such as an advocate, a judge (when conflict resolution is a concern) and a mediator. Employers usually establish company policies for conflict management, which are displayed in the employee handbook. An employee relations specialist (a position within the human resource department) looks into all workplace matters in hopes of resolution. Resolving these conflicts that may take place in the workplace is guaranteed to enhance the employer-employee relationship (“Houston Chronicle”,
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