Assessment Tool 3- Abc Chemicals.

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Assessment Tool 3- ABC Chemicals. When talking about the hazard identification process we need to look at the legislation that applies and complying with it. 1/The OHS Act imposes a general responsibility on employers, those self-employed, suppliers and employee’s which are intended to ensure the health and safety to all those in the workplace including any visitors. These responsibilities also apply to chemicals used in the workplace. Now this OHS Act is supported by the OHS regulations - which provides detailed requirement for the supply and use of hazardous substances. The classification of chemicals into the categories of poison, hazardous and dangerous, and identification on the label is the responsibility of manufacturers and suppliers. Employers under the OHS Act must ensure health, safety and welfare of their employees and other persons at their place of work. This includes preventing health risks created by the use and storage of chemicals. Employers have specific obligations to carry out the following: - Ensure that information is available so that chemicals can be safely used without risk to health such as martial safety data sheets. - Provide employees with instructions, training and supervision. - Provide safe systems of work, including the use of plant and equipment. Employers must also protect the health and safety of any other people who are not their employees, such as contractors and their employees, or members of the public. This includes risks arising from the application of pesticides. These jobs may be delegated to a manager to ensure everyone’s safety within the company. Also having someone manage these issues ensures the job is getting done. Employees working with or near chemicals have a responsibility to maintain safe work practices, to protect their own health and safety and that of others at the workplace. Employees

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