The Principles of Infection Prevention and Control

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Outcome 1 1. Employees’ are responsible for adhering to the guidelines and statutory laws that are in application. This could constitute performing menial tasks such as washing hands thoroughly, disposing of waste products in the appropriate fashion, or more complex tasks like appropriate cleaning and dressing of wounds. They are also responsible not only for themselves but also other colleagues, visitors and patients. There are a range of roles were the prevention and control of infection apply, here are the ones that apply to my line of work; working with hazardous substances, working in an environment that exposes me to infection, working with people who are vulnerable to infection and working in a place that is a communal living area. 2. The employer is responsible for ensuring that all employees’ know and apply the correct working procedures, this can be undertaken via providing adequate training. The employer is required to provide the appropriate personal protective equipment and the correct medical equipment as well as carrying out risk assessments. The employer is also responsible for the organisation of the workplace, ensuring that the risk of infection is minimised as much as possible. Outcome 2 1. There is a number of different legislation and regulatory bodies that are relevant prevention and control of diseases. ‘The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974’ and ‘Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1974’ are prevalent in all working environments, stipulating such thing as the employer being required to provide personal protective equipment and the employee being required to use it appropriately. One of the latest pieces of legislation to come into force is ‘The Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of Practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidelines’ this piece of legislation sets out the criteria that

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