Unit 4222-264 Questions And Answers

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Rachael Foster The principles of infection prevention & controlunit 4222-264 1.1 - As an employee the correct PPE should be wore i.e. gloves and aprons. Good personal hygiene should be kept and hands should be washed after our duties i.e. giving personal care. 1.2 - As an employer all staff should be trained in infection control, to be able to notice potential risks. The correct PPE should be available for staff, staff should have a understanding of infection control polices and procedures. Which should be made available by employer. 2.1- There are a few legislations and regulatory body standards, that are relevant to the prevention and control of infection. The health and safety at work act, which ensures the safety of members…show more content…
If there was an outbreak of norovirus, the workplace wold have to isolate itself to prevent the infection spreading. It could become distressing for the individual being isolated to try control the infection. The workplace could loose money having staff off sick and employing more staff to cover, laundry bill could be high as bedding and clothes become contaminated. 4.1 – The term risk means something or someone could be exposed to danger or harm. 4.2 – In the workplace giving individual personal care you could come into contact with bodily fluids. Bodily fluids contain bacteria which could be found in bathrooms, laundry, handling clinical waste. Being close to an individual when carrying out personal care increase the chance of infection spreading. 4.3 – There are 5 steps to follow when carrying out risk assessments. Step 1 – Identify the hazard; you need to find out how people could be harmed. Walk around workplace, ask staff to identify hazards. HSE website also had guidance on where hazards happens and how to control them. Step 2 – Decide who might be harmed and how; for each hazard think about who might be harmed i.e. an individual, staff members, and how i.e. falling over a wet floor. This helps identify the best way manage the risk. Rachael Foster The principles of infection prevention & controlunit

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