You should receive proper training on how and when to use any PPE provided and your employer should carry out regular checks to ensure it is being used correctly. Waste can be a source of infection and needs to be dealt with safely. Employers must have procedures in place to deal with waste materials and spillages to ensure it is dealt with correctly. Your employer is also responsible in reporting any outbreaks of infection within your workplace to appropriate bodies. 1.2 Explain employee’s responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection The employee has a duty of care for the service users you attend.
If I have any concerns whatsoever regarding the management of infectious diseases in the workplace, I should contact line / project manager, whom will then seek professional advice. All employees must also observe general precautions, other rules specific to a particular work activity must also be observe red. Roles and responsibilities of personnel in relation to infection control. Explain employers’ roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection. It is the responsibility of the employer to provide employees with information on such policies, as well as ensure all employees receive sufficient training where necessary.
Employers must provide a safe work place Carry out risk assessments to assess the dangers of certain work activities Provide training for all staff Provide personal protective equipment Ensure regular health and safety checks are undertaken Employer’s responsibilities extend to protecting employees from the risk posed by biological hazards such as blood, body fluids and associated infections. Within the work place the employer has infection prevention and control policies and procedures in place for all staff to adhere to. The Company will have a good understanding of the general care of SU and staff and will be able to respond appropriately in the event of possible infection outbreak, IE arranging for swabs
264 The Principals of Infection Prevention and Control 1.1 Explain employees’ roles and responsibilities in relation to prevention and control of infection As a health and social care worker we have roles and responsibilities in relation to prevent and to control infection. We prevent infection by following infection control procedures and applying standard infection control principles to all situations all of the time. Also by cooperating with our employer in prevent and to control infection. Furthermore, we have to know and understand our organisation’s infection prevention and control policies and procedures which we can do by going to training for infection control. By ensuring that our own health and hygiene not pose a risk to service users and colleague.
Unit 4222-264 The principles of infection prevention and control (IC01) Outcome 1: Understand roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections: The company I work for have a written policy that details the roles and responsibilities of all the staff during an outbreak of communicable infection or disease. The plan includes details of the roles and responsibilities of all staff. Tracscare who I work for are responsible under the health and safety legislation for maintaining that the environment is safe for the clients, visitors and the staff members. Suitable arrangements and procedures for the control of infection form part of the health and safety requirements. The home manager is responsible for making sure all staff receives training for the prevention and control of infection and how to monitor these.
We need to be clean and hygienic at all times aswell as promoting good hygiene to the individuals we support. As an employee we all have adequate training on the awareness of infection and prevention control and there are workplace procedures such as temperature checks, cleaning schedules, risk assessments and Health and Safety policies that we must all adhere to for the protection of everyone in the workplace. We are regularly required to do refresher courses on these and have to read and sign that we regularly read our workplace policies that are in place. It is also required that we report any changes to any individual’s health conditions that we support. We must assist in keeping all areas and equipment clean, tidy and free from infection hazards and if we have soiled clothing for
It is your employer’s responsibility to ensure that all laws and legal regulations concerning infection prevention and control are followed by employees. They must do this by undertaking risk assessment and management to identify and minimise the impact of infection hazards. Relevant training and supervision in aspects of infection and control should also be provided by your employer. The correct equipment should also be made available to ensure you are able to prevent and control infection. Relevant information relating to infection hazards and prevention and control methods are also to be provided by your employer.
The steps taken to help prevent infections will be maintains, you will already be treating all people as high risk, but with confirmed infection outbreak, you will need to be more vigilant and record and report any changes in a person’s condition. 1.2 Employers have the responsibilities to protect employees from danger and harm, as far as is reasonably possible. For example employers must Carry out risk assessments to assess the dangers of certain work activities Provide a safe workplace Provide training for staff Provide personal protective equipment Ensure regular health and safety checks are undertaken These responsibilities extent to employers protecting employees from the risks posed by biological hazards such as blood, body fluids and associated infections. Your employer will have put infection prevention and control policies and procedures in place for staff to adhere to. Care managers have a responsibility to the people within the care of the organisation and should undertake regular checks on the cleanliness of the setting, monitor hand washing practice, know who to contact in the event of an infection outbreak and report it to
Unit 4222-264 The principles of infection Prevention and control | Why is the role and responsibility in relation to the prevention and control of infection for each of the following | 26401AC1,2 | EmployeeIt is our responsibility as employees to take precautionary measures to prevent and control the spread of infection in the workplace. This involves working safely to protect myself, other staff, clients and other people from infections. Some of the legislation and regulations that relate to the control and prevention of infection include the Health and Safety at Work Act - HASAWA, the Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health - COSHH and the Reporting of Injury, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations- RIDDOR. It is important as employees that we are aware of these so that we can work safely.We must ensure we attend all necessary trainings that our employers provide regarding infection control. If an employee comes across a hazard such as bodily fluids spilt in an area or a staff member not wearing gloves you must report it immediately to a senior staff member and not ignore it.In the workplace employees need to put these safe ways of working into practice, for example by effective hand washing, not coming into work when you’re not feeling well as you will be putting others at risk, by always wearing protective clothing.EmployerIt is the duty of the employer to provide PPE free of charge, organise training for staff, undertake risk assessment and generally is responsible for the health and safety of staff in the work environment.
Outline current legislation and regulatory body standards which are relevant to the prevention and control of infection The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Both employers and employees are responsible for their own actions in the Work place. All reasonable steps should be taken when carrying out your work duties and all staff should have adequate health and safety training, and measures should be taken to ensure that policies and procedures are in place and adhered to. For example, it is the employers’ responsibility to provide adequate protective equipment and the employee’s responsibility to use it