High School Vs College

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“High School vs. College” To achieve a good education, one should attend both high school and college. Although high school is mandatory and college is voluntary fewer students attend college than high school. There are many similarities between high school and college, but there are also several differences. There is a great difference in the attitude in the students and teachers in high school. For instance, most of the teachers in high school are much more strict about obeying the rules of school work that is given. This causes many students enrolled in high school to drop out because of poor grades or getting into trouble. The teachers also don’t treat the students as though they are equal to them, but that the students are below them and the teachers are shaping the students on how to become more like them. In addition, high school is very structured for the students, because they wake at this time, attend school at this time, and eat lunch at this time. Many high schools now have it where the child is allowed to leave during their lunch period as long as they return for their next class. This puts more responsibility on the student to make sure they are responsible enough to handle themselves on their own or when they get into college. One example in which a teacher has taken on a disciplinary action was when a student was tardy or skipped their class after lunch break. The student was taken to the principal’s office and was given a full week of in school suspension. However, the teachers only do this to teach the students that they have to be able to handle their self once they get into college. Although attendance is required in college and many enforce it, some teachers do not. In college, the teachers feel it is the students’ responsibility to come to class and if they choose to skip the class, the teacher doesn’t say anything, but it affects their final
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