Unlike here, he doesn’t have to take basic classes as composition. Those classes everybody takes in high school and they don’t have to retake it in college and pay for it. The whole education system is different. I don’t think it’s better or worse, just
Differences and similarities between levels High School and college are alike in numerous ways, but they are also very different. They are both educational institutions which help people achieve greater intelligence but different in certain factors. High school is mandatory and free if you attend a public school, otherwise it will cost you while college is both voluntary and expensive. In high school, students are guided for responsibilities they have and students are corrected if they are out of line. Freedom is the main difference between high school and college but, classes, teachers, social aspects and costs are the major ways that college differs from high school.
I understand that some people feel that uniforms are a waste of time, but they can never tell anyone why. It seems as though whatever the schools try to do is always wrong. Students’ ability to get dressed in the mornings has become less and less of a hassle because they do not have to make big decisions on what to wear or what not to wear. The only decision they face is if it is hot or cold enough to wear pants, skirts, or shorts. I know that with my high school requiring school uniforms I was able to wake up an hour later for school.
They live in a neighborhood full of crime therefore their main focus is survival instead of learning. Minority kids between 5th and 7th grade go from being B students to D students. As they get older their grades drop so they feel like they are not going anywhere. Sixty eight percent of inmates in Pennsylvania are high school dropouts. The average inmates sentence of 4 years cost $132,000.
Year-Round Schooling Summer break is great. We all think so. But when you walk into Algebra 1 your first day back at school and the teacher says, “Pop quiz! Lets see what you know!” And that’s the moment when you realize that you don’t remember anything from the previous year. Year-round schooling is a better system than traditional because it’s better for students learning, it keeps kids involved and engaged, and, as much as this might surprise you, it doesn’t mean less vacation time.
(NEA Today).” Seven hours is a lot of the day working all day and we never stop five days a week and we have homework which is bad for us, it makes us tired.” Decades ago, the American Educational Research Association released this statement: “Whenever homework crowds out social experience, outdoor recreation, and creative activities, and whenever it usurps time that should be devoted to sleep (Scholastic news).” Kids need to play outside and have a social life they need to enjoy their free time but there is no free time because of all the homework. Kids through 6-12th and college need less homework because we already have seven hours of
The recurring intervals between school sessions are perfect for either educational remediation or enrichment, depending on the student. Thousands of students sit in classes each day that do not fit their needs. The classes are either extremely difficult, and their grades suffer, or they are a breeze, an A requiring minimum effort. Whichever the case, school isn’t doing anything for them. Many times, unfortunately, this situation lasts for the entire 180-day school year.
If you somehow manage to wake up in time to rush to class, not only are you some sort of superhuman, but you can just take your sweet time. No parents are going to rush you anymore. Even if you are some miracle worker and make it to class, make sure to sit in the very back where it's hard to see and hear. Now that you have mastered the art of avoiding classes, let's discuss studying. Now for college classes, it is recommended that you study 3 hours for every one hour of credit that the classes is worth.
As well as “The making new friends” challenge. I mean why bother making new friends if you are going to lose them each year? But in the other hand, you should expect (and accept) the diversity of people. What to expect from college is not really something to specific. For example, many of us weren’t really use to studying during high school, mainly because it was so unchallenging.
For example, while in high school good homework grades are able to raise your overall grade if you did not do well on tests, in college the grades in tests and major papers (essays, projects, and researches) are the most important things that provide most of the course grade. Also, in high school if someone has received the grade of D and higher then they are able to pass the course but in college someone can graduate only if their average is same or above their departmental standard. Second, there are many differences in classes between these two institutions. Although in high school for students listening is sometimes more than enough however in college students should review class notes and text material regularly and ask for information from professor teaching assistance tutoring services and even from other students. Additionally, students in high school are provided with textbooks for free, whereas in college students need to buy textbooks and class materials.