Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 201 Child Development

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Unit 201 Child and Young Person Development 1.1) 0-12 Months Physical development: In a baby’s first month, he/she can grasp objects with their hands. Baby’s head and eyes move together. At about 3-4 months baby can use arms for support when lying on its stomach. At 9 months, baby can sit alone without support. Baby can crawl; shuffle and pass a toy from one hand to another, but can only release it by dropping it. Communication and intellectual development: In the first month, the baby cries when needs basic attention; hunger, distress, tiredness. At 6-9 months the baby giggles and shows that he/she is enjoying themselves when playing. At 9-10 months the baby understands the words ‘bye’ and ‘no’. Social, emotional and behavioural development: In a baby’s first month, he/she can respond positively to main carer and copies and imitates facial expressions. At 6-9 months the baby recognises familiar faces and starts to show distress and anxiety when away from parent.…show more content…
At 18 months, the baby can pull off shoes and can walk down the stairs holding hands with parent. At 2 years, the baby can put shoes on, draw basic shapes and starts to use preferred hand to write/draw. At 3, the child can draw a face and can kick a ball confidently and plays quite independently. Communication and intellectual development: At the age of 1, the baby understands about 20 words and understands his/hers name. By the time the child is 2, he/she can hold simple conversations, can count to ten, and asks a variety of questions. Social, emotional and behavioural development: At this age temper tantrums may start, the child doesn’t like hearing the word ‘no’ and is increasing independence. The child may show concern when another child is
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