Guide To Safeguarding

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A GUIDE TO SAFEGUARDING What is Safeguarding? Safeguarding is the multi-disciplinary work to minimise and manage risk to vulnerable adults and children. It is protecting vulnerable adults or children from abuse or neglect. It means making sure people are supported to get good access to health care and stay well. It is wrong if vulnerable adults or children are not treated by professionals with the same respect as other patients. It is making sure that people are supported to have a full and happy life. Different types of abuse...…show more content…
What action to take if you suspect abuse… Every member of staff has a professional and moral duty to report any witnessed or suspected abuse to their senior or line manager. If you witness/suspect abuse or any unsafe practices firstly ensure the safety of the individual (if in immediate danger). If you witness unsafe practices discuss with the colleague about the unsafe practice and the risks involved; show the safe way to do and explain how it minimises the risk. All abuse allegations and unsafe practices MUST be reported to your senior or line manager on duty IMMEDIATELY. Ensure any verbal reports have been put into writing and make a copy for your manager and keep a copy for yourself! Ensure you preserve any evidence of the abuse – it could be crucial. Follow your company’s whistleblowing policy and procedure. If you feel you are not being listened to or not being taken seriously then you have the right to report your allegation to the next level of management, local social services, police or…show more content… Evidence of abuse is important to be preserved; ways of this may be; Make an accurate written record of any conversations that are relevant between you and the individual; these needs to be signed with the date and time written clearly and kept in a safe place. Always keep a copy for yourself. Try not to clear or tidy anything up – you could potentially be tampering with a crime scene. Don’t wash bedding or clothes. Where to get help? Oxfordshire Social & Community Services Oxfordshire Social & Community Services have procedures for dealing with cases of vulnerable adult abuse. They can offer information and advice to help you in deciding what you want to do and in some cases may be able to provide you with practical help and support. The first priority will be to try and ensure that you are safe. Call them on; 0845 050 7666 Out of hour’s emergency number; 0800 833 408 Email them on; Write to them at; Access Team, PO Box 780, Oxford, OX1 9GX NHS Foundation Trust Oxford – Adult Safeguarding
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