Unit 4222-203 Duty of Care

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Unit 4222-304 Principles for implementing duty of care in health and social care. 1. Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice. 1.1 The term duty of care means to give the best care and attention to the clients i work with. This is based around each individual and their careplan so the care i give is individual to them. I assist with personal hygiene, toileting and administer medication. As much as i enjoy assisting clients i always encourage them to be as independent as possible by letting them plan their day and making own choices. Also providing the clients with a welcoming and friendly environment will make all the difference to the person settling in. This provides stability for them and a sense of belonging. Any personal care or any activities they are involved in is always documented in their careplans. 1.2 As a care practitioner i have a duty to protect elderly clients i work with. I should never put them in danger at anytime. I always ensure i read their care plans and risk assessments in order to care for them the way they want to be cared for and in a safe manner. If i suspest the client is getting treated unfairly i must report this to the mananger immediately. This could be the clinet getting abused or bullied by carers, other residents or family members. We must not breech confidentiality and never gossip about the client. We must monitor the clients behaviour and ensure we check their mobility hasnt deteriorated . If this happens they may need futher assessments so that equipment becomes available. If the manager does not feel we are meeting the clients needs he/she will arrange for the client to be moved to a more suitable home. The manager has to ensure all staff are trained to prevent accidents and also ensure their are suffient staffing levels. 2.2 Know how to address conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between an

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