Golden Retriever Essay

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The Golden Retriever The Golden Retriever has evolved from being a dog bred for retrieving game to being considered a smart and loving dog that makes a terrific family pet. The golden is a medium-sized breed of dog which can rang in color from a rich red to a bright yellow. According to wiki this dog was originally bred to retrieve game for hunters and has also shown itself to be an excellent guide dog for people with disabilities. A Goldens personality is playful and highly energetic. It is also easily trainable due to its intelligence and strong desire to please its master. I once owned a golden retriever named Rory. She liked to try to jump up on the couch like she was a little puppy when she was actually weighed 85 pounds! Also, once when she was a puppy, she chewed up every one of my Dad’s bass boat electrical wires in one day-she was lucky to stay alive when my dad got home! When we threw a Frisbee for Rory, she was not good at bringing it back, or in one piece! I hope to own another Golden Retriever very soon as I miss Rory. According to Dan Rice D.V.M author of ,’ What About Golden Retrievers.’ The Golden was founded in Scotland, England and placed in the Kennel Club in 1903. During the 1920s Goldens came to United States from Great Britain. The Golden has been a favorite breed of dog for many reasons but it will remain one of the top picks for a family pet in this country for a long time due to its playful personality and appealing good looks. Personally, I think Golden Retrievers are

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