Getting Rid Of Annoying Person

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Getting Rid of Annoying Person In my life, I have met a lot of people that I liked in the first place, but later on, they turn out to be annoying people. Annoying people are not easy to get rid of, which is partly why they are so annoying. However, I have some actions that I take to get rid of this annoying people in my life. First I try to avoid them, then if they still annoyed me I try to find the things that they don’t like and pretend that I like them, and if bout of this methods doesn’t work I just tell them that they are annoying and I don’t want to hang out with them anymore. The first two methods I used it to get rid of one annoying girl back in high school. My guess was that she had some feelings for me and she wanted us to be together, but the point was we didn’t share the same feelings. I didn’t like her because I thought she was too annoying. She followed me everywhere I went and kept texting me every day and night. At first I started to ignore her text messages and then I tried to hang out with group of friends that she is not friends with. All this things didn’t work out and she kept following me and my friends everywhere we went and everything we did. Then I decided to use the second method which was to find out the things or persons that she doesn’t like and pretend that I like them. I accomplished this by talking to her friends and classmates. Every time we talked I was trying to talk about those things and pretend how good they are and how much I love them so only she can leave me alone. After doing that for couple of times she finally got the message and stopped chasing me. I felt such a relief after that and I was really happy. The third method is the easiest one but the rudest one. There are two kinds of annoying people: those who are annoying but do not know that they are annoying, and those who know but do not care. I have met them both,

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