Generational Difference in the Workplace

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Generational Difference in the Workplace As an organization usually contains employees from different generations, generational gaps exist and hinder the success of the organization. According to the Wikipedia(2009), generational gap is and was a term popularized in Western countries during the 1960s referring to differences between people of a younger generation and their elders, especially between children and parents. Unfortunately, as stated in Birkman, Lee Hecht Harrison has carried out a survey about generational difference in workplace and the results showed that more than 60 percent of employers are experiencing intergenerational conflict. This essay therefore is going to examine the generational difference in the workplace. It begins with the causes of generational difference, and then moves to the effects of these differences in workplace. Finally, the essay discuss the possible solutions of the effects generated by generational difference. Swati Sarnobat (2001, para.5) stated that “Due to the difference in bringing up, people’s mental framework differ from each other. When the people of different generations meet each other they often are induced to difference in opinion, communication gap, conflicts etc.” In general, employees fall into four main generations. They are the traditional generation, the baby boom generation, the generation X and the generation Y. Individuals in different generations have different thoughts, values and behaviours (Anick Tolbize, 2008, para.1) According to Birkman, the traditional generation are usually more discipline and self-sacrificing. The baby boomers tends to be optimistic and ambitious. Generation X are usually more independent and creative. Generation Y are usually more confident. Because of these characteristics, employees of different generations may come up with different opinions and working

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