Change In Employment Relationship

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Discuss two ways that the employment relationship has changed since the 1970’s. Describe how each of the two changes will affect your career. The employment relationship can be defined as “the set of arrangements and work practices that describe and govern the relationship between employee and employer”1. This relationship involves an economic agreement, whereby the employer will remunerate the employee and a social contract, in which rules are articulated, determining the conduct that the employee must abide to in order to maintain a position in the organization. Since the 1970’s, the employment relationship has experienced drastic changes. Indeed, what employees and employers expected from the employment relationship in the 1970’s is substantially different from the expectations employers and employees have nowadays. This relationship has changed on many aspects but this essay will focus on two: the change in employment security and the change in flexibility in the workplace. One of the aspects that have changed in the employment relationship is the employment security. Employment security can be defined as the “assurance an employee has about the continuity of gainful employment for his or her worklife”2. The employment relationship is thus responsible for outlining the duration of the contract between the employer and the employee. In the 1970’s, employers and employees expected the employment relationship to be long-term. Employees would be hired with the expectation of working for several years, if not their whole life in the same firm. Throughout their career in the firm, employees would advance the hierarchical ladder through promotions and would acquire skills specific to the same firm. However, over the years, employment security has shifted towards short-term. Nowadays, employees know that if they want to maintain a standing in their current job,

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