Diversity In The Workplace

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Adam Hersey CM221-002 Diversity Paper 02 February 2012 Diversity in the Workplace with The Ford Company What is diversity? Diversity when defined is a state or fact of being diverse; different; unlikeness, variety, multiformity, or a point of difference (Dictionary.com). Diversity in the workplace is the differences that each employee brings to the company. A few examples of workplace diversity would be training, work experiences, and educational backgrounds. A company that has a diverse workplace creates learning and involving people with different backgrounds, opinions or ideas to work together to get a main goal completed. What impact does diversity have on a company? Diversity that is well accepted in the company will succeed. If the company has a poor relationship with the employees and doesn't look out for the well being of its workers, the company will not succeed. Employees should feel welcomed and valued within the company. For example, doing research on diversity in the workplace , I found an article that was on racism that was happening at the Ford Company plant in Dagenham. The plan included the setting up of equal opportunities committees at all of the Ford plants in the UK. The plan is designed to achieve equality of opportunity in the workplace and to allow diversity to be "free from harassment of any kind" (BBC News). The plan includes appointing a diversity manager responsible for diversity issues, a joint national equality opportunities and diversity committee at the national level. The racism incident affected the production of the top selling vehicle the Ford Fiesta because there was two unofficial stoppages and a mass walkout (BBC News). This was caused because the workers did not feel welcomed and valued because they couldn't get along and work together. The above situation with the Ford Companies in the United Kingdom learned the
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