General Crime Scene Photography

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GENERAL CRIME SCENE PHOTOGRAPHY Photographs are one way to record a crime scene 1. Field notes 2. Photographs 3. Sketches Five steps in recording the crime scene 1. Secure the crime scene 2. Take preliminary notes 3. Take overview photographs 4. Make a basic sketch 5. Record each item of evidence Taking overview photographs 1. Purpose a. To show the scene exactly as it was when you first saw it. * If something was moved before you arrived, don’t try to reconstruct the scene as it was. The photographs should saw the scene as you found it. 2. Major crime photography a. First discuss the crime scene, evidence and photographs needed with their investigators at the scene. b. Be careful not to destroy any evidence while taking the photographs. c. Outside the scene. * Exterior of the building where the crime occurred and in some cases the whole locale. * Aerial photographs of the scene and the surrounding area are can be useful in some types of cases. * Original series of photographs should also show all doors, windows and other means of entrance or exit. d. Inside the crime scene. * Begin with a view of entrance. * Then photograph the scene as it appears when you first step into the room. * Next, move around the room to get photographs of all the walls. These photographs should also show the positions of any potential items of evidence. * Include photographs of other rooms connected with the actual crime scene. 3. Using video to record the crime scene. a. Frequently valuable to show an overview of the crime scene. 4. Photographs to record items of evidence. a. Take two photographs of each item of evidence. * One should be an orientation (midrange) shot to show how the item is related to its surroundings. * The second photograph should be

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