Final Exam Questions

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Final Exam Questions 1. Describe how language develops in listening, speaking, reading, and writing both initially (as a young child or during English language acquisition) and academically. Language develops first through listening. Babies, children and even English Language Learners listen to the people around them. It should not be considered odd or uncommon for students learning a new language to be silent in their new environment because, much like a little child, they are taking in language exchanges and developing their vocabulary. Children and ELL’s are able to understand a great deal more than they are able to communicate verbally. So as a result, teachers and parents should not seek to limit their word choice. Rather, the more high level language and vocabulary they are exposed to, the better. From listening, children and ELL’s transition into testing their ear by speaking the words they have heard in connection to their environment and social experiences. Students and children need to engage in many conversations. They should be expected to share their ideas and listen to the ideas of others. The language that students and children hear and then are able to reproduce verbally within the right context build a foundation for later learning. It is important to expose students to more than just concrete identification words like ‘chair’ or ‘horse’ but broaden their base of word knowledge to include abstract words as well. Children speak the words they have heard and later recognize those words within the context of literature. When a student has heard a word within a context, verbally used the word to express thinking and can identify and associate meaning to the word with in a text, they will be likely to use the word in written communication as well. Academically speaking, the same rules apply. Students need to hear academic language used within a

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