Evaluate Us Industrialisation 1919-1929

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Evaluate the implications of US industrialization in the period 1919-1929 The impact of industrialization was that it changed the US society by directly impacting the US economy during the period 1919-1929. It can be argued that industrialization had both a positive and negative impact on US society. On a positive note, the nature of industrialization created the economic cycle of the 1920’s as well as built up the strength of the economy making the US the financial leader of the world. However, historians may argue that industrialization had a negative impact on the US, in that it created economic imbalances and created instability and unsustainable structures on which the US economy was based upon. During the period 1919-1929, industrialization had a positive impact on US society by improving the standard of living and working conditions for many Americans. This was a result of the impact industrialization had on the US economy. The result of the new emerging technologies and industry, such as the communications industry and automobile industry such as Ford Motor Company in the early 1900’s had a direct impact on the US economy, and consequently US society; “Inventions in communications and transportation, such as motion pictures, radio, telephones and automobiles, not only fuelled the boom [of the economy] but brought transformations in society”. These emerging technologies brought many changes in US social and economical structures, and subsequently had a positive impact on US society and lifestyle. It can be argued that the development of consumerism in the 1920’s, influenced by the industrialization period, had a positive impact on US society. The growth of consumerism in the US was subsequently a result of the new profits and wages available as a result of industrialization. By the 1920’s, US real per capita income grew by 20% as a result of
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