Essay On Understand The Role Of The Social Care Worker

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understand the role of the social care worker 1.1 These different relationships can have both a positive and a negative impact on our personal developmpent and well being. They each perform a different function and meet our needsin different ways. the nature of the relationship will depend on the life stage that we are in. 1.2 Working relationships are different to other forms of relationships because the relationship serves a particular, non personal purpose to do so with achieving tasks of co-ordinating roles in the organisation.Most working relationships are formed between individuals who are not of equal status, amd have clear boundaires. Relationships between students and teachers, between employer and employees, and between colleagues, are differnent examples of working relationships. E ffective working relationships tend be based on good communication, trust and respect between the people involved. 2.1 Everbody who works in your work setting has been employed to work within a particular role. Service users and your colleagues will expect you to work within thes boundaires,and these boundaries should be clear from your job description. the job description should refer to -…show more content…
Trust and good will are needed to make partnerships work, as are appreciation of others involvement. As a care worker you should value the different skills, contributions and approaches of others,and acknowledge the efforts and contributions of other people. Clear decision making that follows the agreed process and procedures, enables others working in parnership to feel more confident about the process of working together. It is important that you do not exclude others from taking part in the decion making process as this could cause them to feel rejected, demotivated, and less committed to share, team based approach to providing
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