Promote Communication in Health and Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings

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1.1 An identification of the different reasons people communicate Successful communication is an essential tool in the work place especially working with children. Achieving this is essential in forming and maintaining effective relationships, whether it is with colleagues, children, parents or other professionals on a daily basis. Communicating with other staff members ensures effective team working and continuity of care. As well as forming and maintaining effective relationships, communication are also used to give and receive information, to share opinions, knowledge, feelings, emotions, to understand and be understood and show others they are valued. Individuals also communicate to express their needs and preferences and to ensure they are met. Discussing the options and choices available to the individual, allows them an informed choice with regards to their care. Communication is all about expressing needs, to share ideas and information, to reassure, to express feelings, to building relationships, socialise, to ask questions and to share experiences. 1.2 An explanation of how communication affects relationships in the work setting Communication is vital to bring about positive relationships at work. When working in a team environment, you need to be a team player and offer information and knowledge whenever possible, get along with several members of staff and show respect. A supporting and friendly environment will ensure that you (as a team) provide the best possible service to the needs of everyone. The positive and supportive working environment will facilitate and ensure the physical, social, emotional, language and intellectual area of the child is met. This will also assist in managing any transitions. Excellent working relationships and good communication can make it rewarding to all team members and achieve job satisfaction for all. This
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