Essay On Immigrant Parents

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In 1987, my parents immigrated to the U.S. in search for a better life for their children. Having just suffered the loss of my two older brothers who were shot and killed defending our home during a robbery in Mexico, my parents began a new life in California. As a child I witnessed my parents working their social and economic ladder, either collecting cans, picking up newspapers, cardboard, and anything valuable to sell to provide for my two siblings and myself with food and shelter. I am the youngest of three, and my parents' only wish is for me to graduate, go on to college, and earn a degree. Despite my father being 60, he works long hours in our backyard fixing refrigerators. I dislike witnessing and hearing my father's struggles to pay the rent and bills,…show more content…
While I was working at Taco Bell, I have learned to manage my finances as well as respect and appreciate the hard work. Because of my responsibilities, I learned to coordinate schoolwork, sports, community service, and other activities to be successful. I want to break the barriers my minority group faces and put my accomplishments to good use by giving back to my community in Santa Ana and hopefully in San Jose. My experiences as a daughter to immigrant parents and as a contributor to our family’s income have shaped me into a responsible and determined individual. My experiences will contribute to the Educational Opportunity Program because they show the positive attitude that I have maintained amidst constant struggles. It serves as a motivation to others because not only do I set goals for myself, but also encourage and motivate my peers to accomplish their own. I would be an asset to this program and contribute to its overall richness because just like myself there are others who face adversity and I would like to be a voice for those who don’t see potential in themselves to know that it is possible. Overall, my work ethic and

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