The Importance of Reflective Practice

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332 2.1 The Importance of Reflective Practice Reflective Practice is the opportunity to review what has been done, what worked well and what didn't work so well. From this you can identify areas that need to change or develop so as we can constantly strive to improve our teaching practice. Reflective practice can also be applied on a personal level so as we are better able to identify what we are doing well, how we need to improve or develop and how our knowledge and current practice may benefit the team within which we are working. Reflective practice can be carried out by keeping a reflective journal to record our experiences. Over time the information will give us a good picture of how our practice has developed, what we use over and over again that seems to guarantee results and where we are struggling. From this we can identify any possible further training that could help, feel confident in the areas that are working well and be able to pass any useful methods onto others. Feedback from others is invaluable as often you see more when you are on the outside and it can often help to have another’s point of view. Feedback from others may come as a result of a performance review, a class observation or a general observation by a colleague. Reflective practice is essential to personal development and the goals and targets put in place at performance reviews can help to focus you and give you a renewed sense of ability to succeed and achieve. If needs have been identified then additional training can be arranged to help you become more effective in your role and improve your confidence. When considering reflective practice you need to be open to ideas and criticisms of others. Your should reflect on your own work and the work of others around you. You need to be constantly thinking of ways to develop and improve your practice and be able to
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