Equality in Dementia Care

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Understand equality, diversity and inclusion in dementia care. 1.2 Every person has unique needs and preferences. A person with dementia may have the early onset so will have different needs to those in later stages. You need to be aware that they may not be able to express themselves and do things they used to. They may find it difficult to carry out physical tasks due to sensory loss. A person is unique and may have had different life experiences which means the way dementia affects them is personal to them. They have different likes/ dislikes and needs so we must try to meet these the best we can. 1.3 A person with dementia may feel excluded from society because the way they are treated by other's. They may not be given the opportunity to be involved just because other's haven't got the time of day for them. Due to how dementia affects a client may mean they can not adjust to the time it is now and may be stuck in their past. This may mean they cannot understand what is being asked of them. 2.1 When caring for person with dementia we must remember they are an individual and need to be included in all aspects of care. They should be given the opportunity to make choices. If we do not do this it will take away their independence and they may feel worthless. They may become increasingly agitated and frustrated. When communicating you should give them time talk to you and take your time when speaking to them. 2.2-2.3 Certain attitudes towards a person with dementia can affect the way in which they are cared for. Some carers may not feel they can approach the person because the assume they are violent. If a person gets violent it is due to frustration and not being able to express themselves. It helps if you know how to approach the person so they don't get agitated. You should always try to form positive relationships with clients. 3.1Some people
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