Emotional Intelligence & Success

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Emotional Intelligence & Success Professional success depends largely on the ability to form relationships with co-workers, display maturity in difficult situations, make decisions and resolve conflicts while taking the feelings and emotional needs of others into consideration. This skill is called Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.). Emotional intelligence, unlike IQ, is not innately inherent but rather a learned ability. There are five skill sets that make up one’s emotional intelligence. These skill sets include self awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. This combination may be valued as much or more than education and experience. Studies show that people who display emotional intelligence tend to have a distinct professional advantage. According to Daniel Goleman Ph.D., author of Emotional Intelligence and Working with Emotional Intelligence, there are five skill sets that make up the framework of emotional intelligence. The first of which is self-awareness. Self-awareness is loosely defined as gaining an understanding of your own feelings and emotions, and also having the ability to recognize what the reason is for those feeling. Although this can be very difficult for some, once a person begins to understand themselves, they can then begin to develop the other four emotional skill sets, thus leading to more emotional intelligence. The second skill set is that of self-regulation. Self- regulation having the ability to manage your emotions and the effects and impulses related to those emotions. Self- regulation also pertains to being a trustworthy person, having the ability to adapt in any situation and taking responsibility for your actions or performance in work, school and life. The third skill set of the emotional intelligence framework is motivation. Motivation is described as having a singular drive to succeed, hold
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