NVQ Support Teaching and Learning In Schools Level 2 Unit TDA 2.2 – Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people. 1.1 – Identify the current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people including e-safety. Policies include:- The Childrens Act (1989) – This states that parents and professionals must work to ensure the safety of the child. Section 47 states that the Local Authority has a duty to investigate when there is a reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. Section 17 states that services must be put in place to promote and safeguard the welfare of children who are in need.
Unit 6: Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People 1.1: Children's Act 1989: This Act states the responsibilities of parents and professionals, who should ensure the safety of the child. Local authorities have the duty to ensure the safety and welfare of children, and have a legal requirement to investigate cases in which they believe a child is suffering from significant harm. They are also required to have services within the area which promotes the safety and welfare of children in need. Education Act 2002: Local Education Authorities (LEAs), governing bodies, head teachers, and those working within schools, have a responsibility to ensure that children are kept safe and free from harm. Children Act 2004: Local authorities and services have a legal right to share information regarding the welfare of the child, underpinning the legal framework for the Every Child Matters outcomes.
• Be healthy • Stay Safe • Enjoy and Achieve • Make a positive contribution • Achieve Economic well being. Rules builds up trust, a common standard for children and young people and I feel it is essential for young people to learn respect for others , self-control and social interaction with others. All schools have policies and they are not stand alone as they have to relate to Local Authority and national guidelines. e.g The Children's Act 2004. The reason for these policies are to promote positive behaviour and all schools have policies on : • Behaviour • Bullying • Child Protection • Equal Opportunities As a TA it is our responsibility to find out about the role of staff, rewards and sanctions and training.
The idea behind it is that children are best cared for within their own families. However, if this is not possible the Act makes provisions for times when parents and families do not cooperate with statutory bodies. The Education Act 2002 This Act sets out the responsibilities of Local Education Authority [LEAs], governing bodies, head teachers and all others working in schools to ensure that children and young people are safe and free from harm. The aim of this Act is to place the education services for making child protection arrangements on a statutory footing and to further safe-guard against child abuse in any form. These bodies now have a duty to safe-guard and promote the welfare of children in relation to all functions relating to the conduct of a school.
Task 13.1 As a practitioner it’s your duty to observe and maintain correct procedures to ensure that the children are offered a stimulating environment which will further allow optimum possibilities for development. All those who work with or amongst children and young people have a crucial role to play in helping not only to shape aspects of their lives, but to also aid in enhancing their future development. Therefore it can be stated that how we set up our own working practices can affect children and young people’s development. The necessity of encouragement and expression to children of the importance of good physical and mental health through their diet, exercise and healthy. If we do not promote and encourage a healthy and balanced lifestyle, it could results in the children having poorly developed immune system which in turn would cause them to be ill and have days off school which would affect their development.
This act identifies the responsibilities of parents and professionals who must work to ensure the safety of the child. This Act includes two important sections which focus specifically on child protection. Section 47 states that the Local Authority has a duty to investigate when there is a reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering of likely to suffer significant harm. Section 17 also states that services must be put into place to safeguard and promote the welfare of children within the area who are in need. The Education Act (2002).
Therefore, we need to learn how to develop and take care of our emotional health, this involves emotional intelligence. One component of emotional intelligence is the ability; ability to monitor ones self. Which involves being in tune with what you are actually feeling, and being aware of the emotions you are experiencing. It means that you give attention to the information you gather as a result of be aware of your thoughts and feelings. You also need the ability able to access yourself.
Emotional Intelligence and its Role in the Workplace Emotional intelligence (EI) brings together emotions and intelligence by looking at emotions as valuable sources of knowledge that can help with the perception and management of one’s emotions and the emotions of others. Psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer formally define emotional intelligence as “the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings, to discriminate among them, and use the information to guide one’s thinking and action.”(Mayer & Salovey, 1990, p. 189). Emotional intelligence is different from intellectual intelligence (IQ) because it can be developed and improved through training, coaching, and feedback (Goleman 1998, p.). A person with high EI can manage his or her own impulses, effectively communicate with others, solve problems and deal with stress well, which is what gives a person the ability to be successful in both their personal and professional life. Although there are many factors that affect an individual’s professional life, emotional intelligence plays a critical part in relating to and managing relations with others.
Understanding the Four Goals of Psychology Study of the human mind is extremely complex and of consists of facets to make it function and work. The facets can make the mind work and controls how people in today’s society individually respond to these evaluations. The concepts of psychology are brilliant attempts to try and describe these facets and according to the text “Intro to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior”, psychology is defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental process. Understanding the four goals of psychology are essential for life and help humanity, it allows the average person to understand their feeling and emotions as well get help when depression or anxiety hits. This is where the Four Goals of Psychology come in, the goals are describing behaviors, understanding behaviors, predicting behaviors and controlling behaviors.
Emotional intelligence is also about recognizing your own emotional state and the emotional states of others. Emotional intelligence consists of four fundamental capabilities: • Self-awareness — the ability to recognize your emotions and their impact while using gut feelings to guide your decisions. • Self-management — the ability to control your emotions and behavior and adapt to changing circumstances. • Social awareness — the ability to sense, understand, and react to other's emotions and feel comfortable socially. • Relationship management — the ability to inspire, influence, and connect to others and manage conflict.