Working Together To Safeguard Children Essay

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E1 * Working together to safeguard children 2010 * Framework for the assessment of children and their families 2000 * Special educational needs and disability act 2001 * The Children Act 2004 * The Equality Act 2010 E2 Working together to safeguard children 2010 is influenced in working practise because this piece of legislation protects children from abuse and neglect because if they spot any signs they have procedures that they will need to follow of trying to solve what is happening. This is also influenced in working practise because you have to make sure that they are safe in the setting. Framework for the assessment of children and their families 2000 is influenced in working practise because this piece of legislation…show more content…
Goldman defines emotional intelligence as knowing your/someone’s feelings and using them to make good decisions in life, being able to manage moods and control impulses and being motivated and effectively overcoming setbacks in working towards goals. Daniel Goldman firsted looked at the brain to see how the brain helps emotions. He found out that there are three parts of the brain; the reptile brain, the limbic system and the neocortex. He found out that in basic life functions like breathing, monitors motor functions, control reactions, movement and behaviours that are repetitive, predictable and rarely constructive. This shows that your brain helps with emotional intelligence and emotions play a critical part in teaching and learning. When working with children you need to make sure that the setting is emotionally positive and supportive workplaces for all learners. Daniel Goldman believed that the environment that children work in should be made safe and secure, rich in sensory stimuli, able to meet the needs of learners, conduct a positive relationship, promote self-esteem and an environment that is free from negative stressors such as hunger, thirst and threat etc. Daniel Goldman also believed that it is important not to neglect the emotional life of young children. Feelings, self-awareness, life skills, co9nflict, management, and self-esteem are critically important. They drive us to action, push or pull objects away from certain people, objects and ideas. Daniel Goldman identified four building blocks for incorporating emotional intelligence in to educational
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