Ego Development Essay

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Stages of Ego Development page 1 Stages of Ego Development page 2 Jane Lovevinger’s Stages of Ego Development Jane Lovevinger’s of ego development is to make sense of experience. The ego developments are stages in which Jane describes as being “particular way in which a person makes sense of self and the world.” (Developmental Stages and Tasks p.373) In other words ego developments are stages in which people progress in the order that they appear, or quit moving upward or stop so the speak at a particular stage. Jane Lovevinger’s Stages Pre-social and Symbiotic- the ego stage during infancy that is focused on gratifying immediate needs. Impulsive Stage- is the ego stage for toddlers that focus on bodily feelings, basic impulses and immediate needs. Self-protective stage- is the ego development stage in early and middle childhood in which some individuals remain at this stage. Self-protective stage is the awareness of cause and effect, and rules and consequences used to manipulate others. Conformist stage- is the ego stage in which individuals invest to belong and obtain approval of other popular groups of people, such as peer groups. Self-aware stage- is the ego stage in adults that show increased self-awareness of themselves and others. Individualistic stage- focuses on relationships and their value, and the ego of this stage shows broad minded tolerance of respect for self and others. Autonomous stage- is the ego stage in which individuality, uniqueness, and self-actualization are cherished. Integrated stage- the ego in this stage shows wisdom, and broad empathy towards self and others. Stages of Ego Development page 3 Reference 1. Ego Development

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