Letting them make decisions for themselves. Giving them independence. It will build relationships and give individuals confidence to express feelings which they may not be aware is abuse. Promoting choice and rights can empowers an individual. It offers choices which can reduce the likeliness of abuse.
This environment could be achieved when being in a relationship with a person who was very understanding, accepting and genuine. Risk taking can be part of a person centred approach as we would choose to use positive and informed risk taking which would involve building a positive view of the individual, and seeking to learn what a persons skills are and what people like about them. In person centred thinking we also explore the consequences of not taking the risk so that these may be balanced against the consequences of taking the risk. Using an individuals care plan contributes to working in a person centred way as this would be constructed by the client with the support of the care worker so that the client has full control, instead of the support plan being made by the care worker so the client feels as if they have no control of their recovery. Work in a person centred way In order to find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual I would refer to any previous files held with regards to that person, as well as discussing directly with the client what the preferenes etc.
People have choices and encouraging them to make informed choices gives confidence to make the right decisions for them. Showing understanding to a person within the service, ask questions, get involved, give positive responses, this also gives confidence and will encourage a person to feel assured about doing things for themselves which has a feel good factor. Bxi Identify two ways of making sure an individual’s physical environment promotes their well-being Living in an environment that is safe and secure, that have staff who promote independence along with varied physical activities, all work towards a service user feeling good about themselves, a feeling of well-being. SU’s can make choices about what they wish to do with their time, doing things they enjoy, things that stimulate their mind and body all promote this and will make them feel good inside. Bxii Identify two ways of working that promotes an individual’s social and emotional well-being Integrating into
Communication can make a person’s quality of life better, especially if they are in pain or distress, or to express feelings, wishes or desires. People communicate in order to establish and maintain relationships with others, to give and receive information and instructions, to understand and be understood, to share opinions, knowledge, feelings, and emotions, to give encouragement and show others they are valued. 1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in an adult care setting: Good communication will enable me to build strong relationship based on trust. It is essential that the individuals I support trust me as I will be working closely with them sometimes providing personal care which can be a very intimate task. Effective communication can help promote and create a positive working environment.
Individuals should be allowed and supported to make their own choices. Care and support needs should be tailored to suit each individual. This shows respect by preserving the individual’s dignity and individuality. Their personal beliefs should be respected INDEPENDENCE: Allow the individuals you support to do things for themselves, however small. Being independent does not necessarily mean being completely alone, but supported to do things for themselves.
Unit 1 1.1 People communicate to give information, to receive information. To express their feelings, they need‘s to be good communication between staff and individuals. For needs and wishes, good communication can result in a good working relationship between enabler and an individual. 1.2, Communication is essential in a work setting, all types of communication that could be written, or verbal, it makes good working relationships between staff and between the individuals, it brings the staff team together. With good communication it is less likely to be any mistakes made, if a mistake was made it should be able to be identified and discussed through good communication.
This environment could be achieved when being in a relationship with a person who was deeply understanding (empathic), accepting (having unconditional positive regard) and genuine (congruent). Risk taking can be part of a person centred approach as we would choose to use positive and informed risk taking which would involve building a positive view of the individual, and seeking to learn what a person’s gifts and skills are and what people admire about them. In person centred thinking we also explore the consequences of not taking the risk so that these may be balanced against the consequences of taking the risk. Using an individual’s care plan contributes to working in a person centred way as this would be constructed by the client with the support of the care worker so that the client has full control over their recovery, instead of the support plan being constructed by the care worker whereby the client feels as if they have no control of their recovery. 2.1-describe how to find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual If you work in the
By making myself available when a young person has wanted to talk on a one to one basis, quite often this may take place when I maybe driving them to an activity, has been a successful way to help build trust and relationship with that individual. I also believe that being consistent and being aware of our own actions and displays to the young person that we are people that can help keep them safe and secure and somebody that can be trusted. It is also vital to build and maintain positive relationships with other people involved in the care of the young person as we should share a common goal, the welfare and development of the individual. We can achieve this by open and honest communication, sharing of information, and by ensuring that those involved in the care of the young person are trained to a standard that enables us to deliver that care and support to a professional
Also, even if the other person replies verbally his or her body language may show that they have not really understood or agreed. Observation helps understand the effectiveness of communication. Aiv Explain why it is important to find out about an individual’s: a) Communication and language needs b) Wishes and preferences People usually feel satisfied when they communicate well with individuals. Good communication enables individuals’ needs to be met and for care and support workers to feel they are not just doing the job but doing it in a way that allows individuals to have choice and control over their lives. Good communication will enable you to build strong professional relationships based on trust.
Being fully honest with each other will help the couple understand each other. This will be beneficial to both persons so later on they won’t have issues that could hurt their relationship. For example if both persons have different goals or ideas they should talk about this. Instead of arguing with each other because they have different goals they should support and motivate each other to meet those goals. Another example could be differences in personality.