Stages of Ego Development

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Stages of Ego Development Check Point PSY230 Stages of Ego Development Check Point Jane Loevinger’s model of development is based on stages and levels of maturity. One stage must be mastered before the next level can be worked on. The stages build on themselves in a progressive manner, including all the development in the previous stages. According to her theory we start out in life very ego centric, move to a level of conformity as we age and mature and finally independence and self reflection. (McAdams, 2009) The first level is I-2 called Impulsive, when individuals are egocentric and dependent, the concious preoccupations are of bodily feelings. This stage is generally present to school age. The next stage, Delta, has an opportunistic impulse control, can be manipulative and wary. I-3 is the Conformist stage, which tends to begin to develop at school age. Individuals learn respect for the rules, become more cooperative, loyal and become more focused on appearance and their own behavior. I-3/4 is Conscientious/Conformist, as individuals mature they begin to see others and allow for exceptions, they become helpful to others and begin to bceome more self aware. I-4 Conscientious, the stage were we become more focused internally and begin to self-evaluate. Individuals in this stage begin to look at their motives, personality traits and acheivements in life. I-4/5 Individualistic, with this stage individuals develop a respect for individuality and personal ties. I-5 Autonomous stage, understanding of conflict and recognizing interdependence. The focus is on self-fulfillment and understanding that we can be free of oppressive ideas. I-6 Intergrated is a difficult level to achieve. Individuals accept themselves for who they are and like themselves. They are understanding and empathetic towards others and themselves, show wisdom and makes peace with
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