Effects Of Modern Technology

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Modern Technology Effects? The Technology of today is ever changing the way that we as people look at the world and most of all, ourselves. Is the way our technology heading putting us in a worse place? Is the way our technology headed the best of us and the world? There are never ending problems that come with technology, but also never ending solutions that it creates. I believe that technology is greatly hurting the way of our society and cripple us the further into the future we head. The United States of America is a perfect example. Earlier in our nation’s history, there was never any sign or effect of obesity. In our time now we have one of the highest rates of obesity in the world. Our technology here in the U.S. is creating unhealthy foods at easy and fast rates making the unhealthy food more available and widespread. Another part of technology that’s destroying our society is video games. With every year that passes video games are getting more and more influential on children and even adults. They are keeping people indoors instead of being outside doing physical activities that help keep them fit and healthy. With all the new games that come out each year it deprives them of the outdoors and in the long run helps to add to the obesity (unhealthy) rate in the world. Video games also not only effect people physically but in the long run, mentally also. They deprive people of contact and communication with others, which lessens their people skills and they’re ability to communicate better. Back in the day you used to have to use your brain for every kind of problem in school, whether it is math, science, or even literature. Now in school though, hardly any brain power is needed when solving math problems or homework. All the child needs to do is hop on a computer and look up the answer on the Internet. The Internet basically gives

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