Domestic Violence Policy Analysis

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Domestic violence is an issue that has been facing the United States for quite sometime. Types of domestic violence range from physical, mental, verbal, psychological, emotional, sexual, stalking, financial, as well as spiritual; and in recent years with the stead fast advancement of technology has even led to cyber stalking. “Domestic violence is a major public-health problem in that it affects millions of people and often results in physical and emotional injuries and even deaths” (Dryden-Edwards, 2009). With the US being the cultural melting pot that it has become today, our nation is filled with people from all walks of life and various cultures and backgrounds. But despite the cultural diversity in which sets immigrant families apart from…show more content…
States with higher numbers of domestic violence incidents should somehow incorporate more safe house units to protect immigrant abuse victims and their children. A two-year wait period to for low-income housing is just absurd and not helpful to victims who are at risk now. Neither is an allotted timeframe for a victim and her family to get in and out of a shelter. With immigrant communities being provided with resources and other helpful services it will help to empower immigrant women so that they don’t feel helpless and as if they have no one else to turn to or rely on other than their abusive partner. They will be equipped with the proper tools they need to succeed on their own and for when they are ready to move on from their…show more content…
“A stakeholder is anybody who can affect or is affected by an organization, strategy or project. They can be internal or external and they can be at senior or junior levels. Some definitions suggest that stakeholders are those who have the power to impact an organization or project in some way” (Bryson, J., 2004). There are several policy implementations that will prove to be beneficial in the policy of domestic violence and it’s stakeholders. (1) Provide immigrant services through out all immigrant communities. Victims of domestic violence will have a place to turn when they need help, if they choose not to involve law enforcement. Not only will the victims benefit from these services, but also so will their children; with language courses, legal guidance, ethical behavior, and resource assistance. (2) Implement mandatory healthy relationship courses within all school systems (elementary, middle, & high school). This will affect he victims’ household a great deal because it will enlighten youth who are currently living in unhealthy/abusive households to recognize that this abrupt behavior is not normal and is illegal. The support of these programs will also help to groom and prepare youth for when they are ready to sustain a healthy mature relationship to be able to distinguish right from wrong and will also bring about less intervention from the courts. By youth being enlightened of the do’s and
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