The Effects of Divorce on Children

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Abstract One of two marriages ends in divorce. This fact impacts the loves of many children because the effect of divorce is not limited to the adults. Divorce deeply effects everyone involved especially the children. Research provides evidence of the negative impact on children and how it effects the differently according to the age. It is important that the adults involved be aware of the consequences their divorce will have on the life of their children and take responsibility of setting guidelines for themselves to help their child through this difficult time. Based on careful studies, it is shown that children of divorced parents can function and love normal lives. With a good support system and parents who are willing to move past divorce, children can learn to cope with divorce and move on themselves. Introduction Being a parent can be a demanding job; especially if you are parenting more than one child. This demand grows as the child grows. Children are involved in different activities and also trying to keep up with friends and the technology of today’s world; parenting can be time consuming and expensive. Also, when parents set boundaries for their children, they must be consistent with them. These areas are demanding enough in a two parent home, and twice as hard for a single-parent. In theory, children’s overall well-being will improve if they are raised by married parents. The parents must be happily married for this statement to hold true. When the parents are happily married, they tend to work well together in raising the child. They provide the best environment for the growth of their children and partner with disciplining the children and setting boundaries. Unfortunately, divorce is becoming a common trend in today’s society. Divorce is not only a stressful event for the adults involved, but more so, the
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