Domestic Abuse and the Effects on Children

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Running Head: CHILDREN AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Domestic Violence and Its Effects on Children's Identity Formation: A Research Proposal (Name) (College) (Instructor) (Course) Abstract Domestic violence while usually directed towards spousal abuse affects not only the victimized parent but also the children who are witness to the violence. Given their young ages, witnessing violence in the family setting can adversely affect a child's development both physically and emotionally especially in the formation of gender roles and identity. It is therefore important to identify to what degree does domestic violence affect children, and do children exposed to domestic violence exhibit similar characteristics or traits that may in turn help adults, counselors or teachers in identifying which children may need emotional or psychological help as a result of exposure to domestic violence I. Introduction Violence in the home or "domestic abuse" has grown to be one of society's most shameful scourges. In addition to the subordinated spouse, the children of violent homes must also be considered as victims whether or not they have been physically abused or not. While the many methods by which abuse is inflicted vary, the effects it has on the mental and emotional health of its victims remain alarming. Of all these effects, one of the most vital and long term ones is the effect on a child's formation of gender and identity. Statement of the Problem Childhood is typically the time where core values and identity is formed. Most theories on human growth and development advance the idea that individual identity is a result of combined internal and external factors in an individual's environment. But what if that environment exposes a child to violence and abuse committed by his or her own parents? This study

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