Beliefs Values And Clinical Gestalt

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My Beliefs, Values and Clinical Gestalt with Individuals and Systems Jessica Parker BSHS 321 7/24/2011 Mary Hennessy My Beliefs, Values and Clinical Gestalt with Individuals and Systems Concerning certain clients that I may have to work with I have my own beliefs, values and clinical gestalt about them. Depending on the client that I work with I may have personal conflict with my professional relationship with that client. As I have gone through my education I have learned that I am becoming more accepting of individuals that I originally had been uneasy about. As a professional I have a duty to my clients to treat everyone equally regardless of differences in beliefs and values. However, I am having a difficult time overcoming my issues with future clients that are child molesters. As I explore the issues I have with sexual predators who prey on children I will discuss my personal and professional assumptions, my beliefs, values, past experiences, familiar and cultural background, the larger societal and system contexts, the types of clients that I may have to work with, text exercises and journal entries and my strengths and areas for improvement. Personal and Professional Assumptions When I think about child molesters I think of men that take advantage of girls when they are at their most vulnerable. I know that not all child molesters are male but that is my first assumption. This is a personal assumption based off of previous experiences that I have been through. My professional assumption is that sexual predators have issues that they need help treating and coping with. There are a set of common traits for child molesters. They have a history of abuse in their childhood, an inability to empathize, bad coping skills, inefficient self-management skills, previous sexual offenses that have been undetected, pro-offending attitudes and social,

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